Thumbnail Effect With Zoom And Sliding Captions

Since the thumbnail spotlight effect i wrote a tutorial about was and still is amazingly popular i decided to make another cool thumbnail effect. This time with zoom and sliding caption.

How to use it? Just hover over the images and you will see the effect.

Example Thumbnail Effect With Zoom And Sliding Captions, Klik Here,,


.thumbnailWrapper { width:600px; margin:0px auto; } /* not important */

.thumbnailWrapper ul {
list-style-type: none; /* remove the default style for list items (the circles) */
margin:0px; /* remove default margin */
padding:0px; /* remove default padding */
.thumbnailWrapper ul li {
float:left; /* important: left float */
position:relative; /* so we can use top and left positioning */
overflow:hidden; /* hide the content outside the boundaries (ZOOM) */
.thumbnailWrapper ul li a img {
width:200px; /* not important, the pics we use here are too big */
position:relative; /* so we can use top and left positioning */
border:none; /* remove the default blue border */
position:absolute; /* needed for positioning */
bottom:0px; /* bottom of the list item (container) */
left:0px; /* start from left of the list item (container) */
width:100%; /* stretch to the whole width of container */
display:none; /* hide by default */
/* styling bellow */
.caption .captionInside{
/* just styling */
.caption p{
.clear { clear:both; } /* to clear the float after the last item */


<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
//set and get some variables
var thumbnail = {
imgIncrease : 100, /* the image increase in pixels (for zoom) */
effectDuration : 400, /* the duration of the effect (zoom and caption) */
get the width and height of the images. Going to use those
for 2 things:
make the list items same size
get the images back to normal after the zoom
imgWidth : $('.thumbnailWrapper ul li').find('img').width(),
imgHeight : $('.thumbnailWrapper ul li').find('img').height()

//make the list items same size as the images
$('.thumbnailWrapper ul li').css({
'width' : thumbnail.imgWidth,
'height' : thumbnail.imgHeight

//when mouse over the list item...
$('.thumbnailWrapper ul li').hover(function(){


/* increase the image width for the zoom effect*/
width: parseInt(thumbnail.imgWidth) + thumbnail.imgIncrease,
/* we need to change the left and top position in order to
have the zoom effect, so we are moving them to a negative
position of the half of the imgIncrease */
left: thumbnail.imgIncrease/2*(-1),
top: thumbnail.imgIncrease/2*(-1)


"duration": thumbnail.effectDuration,
"queue": false

//show the caption using slideDown event

//when mouse leave...
}, function(){

//find the image and animate it...

/* get it back to original size (zoom out) */
width: thumbnail.imgWidth,
/* get left and top positions back to normal */
left: 0,
top: 0

}, thumbnail.effectDuration);

//hide the caption using slideUp event



<!-- start thumbnailWrapper -->
<div class='thumbnailWrapper'>
<li><a href='#'><img src='' /></a>
<div class='caption'>
<p class='captionInside'>CofeeNerd</p>

<li><a href='#'><img src='' /></a>
<div class='caption'>
<p class='captionInside'>musiKings</p>

<li><a href='#'><img src='' /></a>
<div class='caption'>
<p class='captionInside'>The Caribbean Energy Conference 2010</p>

<li><a href='#'><img src='' /></a>
<div class='caption'>
<p class='captionInside'>Coffee</p>

<li><a href='#'><img src='' /></a>
<div class='caption'>
<p class='captionInside'>Quantum</p>

<li><a href='#'><img src='' /></a>
<div class='caption'>
<p class='captionInside'>Infinite Love</p>

<li><a href='#'><img src='' /></a>
<div class='caption'>
<p class='captionInside'>Fathom</p>

<li><a href='#'><img src='' /></a>
<div class='caption'>
<p class='captionInside'>Mixed Pome</p>

<li><a href='#'><img src='' /></a>
<div class='caption'>
<p class='captionInside'>Golf Lessons Online</p>
<div class='clear'></div><!-- clear the float -->
</div><!-- end spolightWrapper -->

Semoga bermanfaat yaa,, ^^

Silahkan anda laporkan jika ada link yang rusak atau beberapa tutorial yang tidak bekerja, karena saya akan segera memperbaikinya, dan berhubung saya baru mengganti themes blog, jadi pasti banyak artikel yang berantakan! Saya harap anda dapat membantu saya untuk memperbaiki semuanya dengan berkomentar di artikel yang bermasalah.. thanks sebelumnya sudah berkunjung keblog utta yang sederhana ini...
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About The Author

Hai,.. I am just an ordinary man who just might share the knowledge that I know ahead of you, No one is more perfect. Always keep learning and sharing of knowledge, Just be Yourself and be The Unique that makes them know who you are.!!


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