Create 3D Content Slider Image With Animation Transitions

Adaptor is a light-weight image content slider that aims to provide a simple interface for developers to create cool 2D or 3D slide animation transitions. it has multiple options for customization including: speed of the transitions, delay between each item auto-slideshow being on/off, pauseOnHover and more.

Untuk contohnya silahkan sobat klik disini...


<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>

<script src=""></script>

$(function () {
        var $box = $('#box')
          , $indicators = $('.goto-slide')
          , $effects = $('.effect')
          , $timeIndicator = $('#time-indicator')
          , slideInterval = 5000
          , effectOptions = {
              'blindLeft': {blindCount: 15}
            , 'blindDown': {blindCount: 15}
            , 'tile3d': {tileRows: 6, rowOffset: 80}
            , 'tile': {tileRows: 6, rowOffset: 80}

        // This function runs before the slide transition starts
        var switchIndicator = function ($c, $n, currIndex, nextIndex) {
          // kills the timeline by setting it's width to zero
          $timeIndicator.stop().css('width', 0);
          // Highlights the next slide pagination control

        // This function runs after the slide transition finishes
        var startTimeIndicator = function () {
          // start the timeline animation
          $timeIndicator.animate({width: '680px'}, slideInterval);

        // initialize the plugin with the desired settings
            speed: 1000
          , autoScroll: true
          , timeout: slideInterval
          , next: '#next'
          , prev: '#prev'
          , pause: '#pause'
          , effect: 'scrollVert3d'
          , onbefore: switchIndicator
          , onafter: startTimeIndicator

        startTimeIndicator(); // start the time line for the first slide

        // Paginate the slides using the indicator controls
        $('#controls').on('click', '.goto-slide', function (ev) {
          $box.boxSlider('showSlide', $(this).data('slideindex'));

        // This is for demo purposes only, kills the plugin and resets it with
        // the newly selected effect FIXME clean this up!
        $('#effect-list').on('click', '.effect', function (ev) {
          var $effect = $(this)
            , fx = $'fx')
            , extraOptions = effectOptions[fx];

          switchIndicator(null, null, 0, 0);

          if (extraOptions) {
            $.each(extraOptions, function (opt, val) {
              $box.boxSlider('option', opt, val);

          $box.boxSlider('option', 'effect', $'fx'));




<div id="page">
<div id="viewport-shadow">

<a href="#" id="prev" title="go to the next slide"></a>
<a href="#" id="next" title="go to the next slide"></a>

<div id="viewport">
<div id="box">
<figure class="slide">
<img src=""/>
<figure class="slide">
<img src=""/>
<figure class="slide">
<img src=""/>
<figure class="slide">
<img src=""/>
<figure class="slide">
<img src=""/>

<div id="time-indicator"></div>

<nav class="slider-controls">
<ul id="controls">
<li><a class="goto-slide current" href="#" data-slideindex="0"></a></li>
<li><a class="goto-slide" href="#" data-slideindex="1"></a></li>
<li><a class="goto-slide" href="#" data-slideindex="2"></a></li>
<li><a class="goto-slide" href="#" data-slideindex="3"></a></li>
<li><a class="goto-slide" href="#" data-slideindex="4"></a></li>

<aside id="effect-switcher">
<h2>Select effect</h2>
<ul id="effect-list">
<li><a href="#" class="effect current" data-fx="scrollVert3d">Vertical 3D scroll</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="effect" data-fx="scrollHorz3d">Horizontal 3D scroll</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="effect" data-fx="tile3d">3D tiles<span class="new-effect">new!</span></a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="effect" data-fx="tile">2D tiles<span class="new-effect">new!</span></a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="effect" data-fx="scrollVert">Vertical scroll</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="effect" data-fx="scrollHorz">Horizontal scroll</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="effect" data-fx="blindLeft">Blind left</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="effect" data-fx="blindDown">Blind down</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="effect" data-fx="fade">Fade</a></li>


Silahkan sobat berkeasi sendiri yaa,.. hehee,. goodluck! ^^

Silahkan anda laporkan jika ada link yang rusak atau beberapa tutorial yang tidak bekerja, karena saya akan segera memperbaikinya, dan berhubung saya baru mengganti themes blog, jadi pasti banyak artikel yang berantakan! Saya harap anda dapat membantu saya untuk memperbaiki semuanya dengan berkomentar di artikel yang bermasalah.. thanks sebelumnya sudah berkunjung keblog utta yang sederhana ini...
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About The Author

Hai,.. I am just an ordinary man who just might share the knowledge that I know ahead of you, No one is more perfect. Always keep learning and sharing of knowledge, Just be Yourself and be The Unique that makes them know who you are.!!


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