Membuat Drop Down Panel (Toggle) jQuery

Demo Bisa sobat lihat dibawah ini :

Tempat lebih efisien dengan Drop Down PanelThe Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy that is part of the Local Group of galaxies. Although the Milky Way is one of billions of galaxies in the observable universe,[4] its special significance to humanity is that it is the home galaxy of our Solar System. The plane of the Milky Way galaxy is visible from Earth as a band of light in the night sky, and it is the appearance of this band of light which has inspired the name for our galaxy. It is extremely difficult to define the age at which the Milky Way formed, but the age of the oldest star in the Galaxy yet discovered, HE 1523-0901, is estimated to be about 13.2 billion years, nearly as old as the Universe itself.

Note: Click on any link or the Milky Way Image auto closes the panel.

Suka??dan pengen membuat seperti itu??
OK,OK,. Berikut Langkah-langkahnya :

Dari Dashboard >> Design >> Edit HTML.

1. Langkah pertama > Penempatan kode CSS
dibawah <b:skin><![CDATA[
diatas ]]></b:skin>

.ddpanel .ddpanelcontent{color: white;background: black;}
.ddpanel .ddpaneltab{margin-right: 20px;font: normal 12px Arial;}
.ddpanel .ddpaneltab a{
float: right;
color: white;
background: black url( no-repeat left bottom;
text-decoration: none;
letter-spacing: 1px;
.ddpanel .ddpaneltab a span{
float: left;
display: block;
background: transparent url( no-repeat right bottom;
padding: 1px 12px 4px 13px;
cursor: pointer;
.ddpanel .ddpaneltab a span img.pointerimage{margin-top: 2px;margin-left: 5px;}
.ddpanel .ddpaneltab a:hover{color:black;background-color: #666;}
.ddpanel .ddpaneltab a:active, .ddpanel .ddpaneltab a:focus{outline: 0;}
.ddpanel .ddpaneltab a:hover span{background-color: transparent;}

2. Langkah kedua > Penempatan URL JavaScript
dibawah ]]></b:skin>
diatas </head>

  • <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

3. Langkah ketiga > Penempatannya kode HTML
dibawah <body>
diatas </body>

<div id="mypanel" class="ddpanel">
<div id="mypanelcontent" class="ddpanelcontent">

<p style="padding:10px">
<img alt="Tempat lebih efisien dengan Drop Down Panel" src="" class="closepanel" style="float:left; width:200px; height:172px; margin:0 10px 10px 0" />The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy that is part of the Local Group of galaxies. Although the Milky Way is one of billions of galaxies in the observable universe,[4] its special significance to humanity is that it is the home galaxy of our Solar System. The plane of the Milky Way galaxy is visible from Earth as a band of light in the night sky, and it is the appearance of this band of light which has inspired the name for our galaxy. It is extremely difficult to define the age at which the Milky Way formed, but the age of the oldest star in the Galaxy yet discovered, HE 1523-0901, is estimated to be about 13.2 billion years, nearly as old as the Universe itself. -Source: <a href="" style="color:white">Wikipedia</a>.
<p>Note: Click on any link or the Milky Way Image auto closes the panel.</p>

<div id="mypaneltab" class="ddpaneltab">
<a href="#"><span>Toggle<img src="" class="pointerimage" style="border-width: 0pt; visibility: visible;"/></span></a>

NB :>> Diganti dengan konten anda.

4. SAVE. dan lihat hasilnya..

Semalat mencoba. semoga tutorial kali ini bermanfaat bagi temn2.
Silahkan anda laporkan jika ada link yang rusak atau beberapa tutorial yang tidak bekerja, karena saya akan segera memperbaikinya, dan berhubung saya baru mengganti themes blog, jadi pasti banyak artikel yang berantakan! Saya harap anda dapat membantu saya untuk memperbaiki semuanya dengan berkomentar di artikel yang bermasalah.. thanks sebelumnya sudah berkunjung keblog utta yang sederhana ini...
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About The Author

Hai,.. I am just an ordinary man who just might share the knowledge that I know ahead of you, No one is more perfect. Always keep learning and sharing of knowledge, Just be Yourself and be The Unique that makes them know who you are.!!


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